Friday, December 30, 2011
The New Year is coming
Our farm and market is closed until the first weekend in May. Winter is our pause in the year, a time to reflect on the past season, rest, re-energise and plan for the new season to come. We're working on our barn in Greenbank with a future market in mind as well as considering which crops to add next year.
Tis the season of conferences, workshops and farm shows. I'm researching hedgerows that would add beauty, diversification for wildlife and possibly some interesting berries for jams. Lynda and I will be getting together to make our shepherds pies, steak and mushroom pies and possibly some more turkey pies. The winter will go by very quickly.
May your winter be short and sweet. Stay safe.
See you first weekend in May when the fun and food begins again.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Christmas is coming,
Is the tune running through your head now? I remember my Grandfather telling me of the time when he was a boy that he had to memorize this verse and say it at the front of his class. His family were homesteaders in Saskatchewan and lived initially in a sod house while the wood house was being built and the land was being cleared. Oh how I miss him at Christmas. It can be such a family time, a time to reminisce of years gone by.
We have had a great Christmas season seeing you and catching up with the events in your year. The kids are growing - off to school, finished school, getting married, grandchildren being born. We've been selling Christmas trees for 25 years now and some of you have been coming for that long.
We have exciting news - Heather, our wee petite staffer that you'll see mostly in the bakery when she isn't in school, is now engaged to be married to a wonderful young man Thomas. We're so happy for them. She'll be working the 22nd and 23rd so if you stop in, give her your best.
We'll be busy these next few days baking and organizing turkeys. We still have some beautiful balsam and fraser fir Christmas trees and you can still order a fresh turkey. Our lives can be so busy that for some it seems Christmas has snuck up on them and oh my gosh its only 6 days away.
Thanks for taking this moment to read this blog. As another famous charactor at Christmas says-
Merry Christmas. God bless you one and all.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Christmas is almost here!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Christmas Trees are Here!
With regular watering we find the Fraser fir is a nice long lasting tree - at least 4 weeks inside and the Balsam fir is good for approximately 3 weeks indoors. We'll give your tree a fresh cut so you can put it up right away.
This will be our 25th year that we have fresh cut Christmas trees at the farm. Fraser fir and balsam fir trees are now available along with wreathes and cedar roping. Hot cider is waiting for you in the market along with other Christmas goodies, shortbread cookies are baking and our Christmas cookie platters will be available early December. I'd also recommend the Kawartha Dairy Eggnog - it is so creamy!!!
Time to Order Your Fresh Christmas Turkey
We've got our order book ready and waiting. I don't get many extra turkeys in for Christmas so it is best to get your order in early. We're taking orders for fresh baked pies as well.
Our Turkey and Chicken Pies will be ready by Dec 3rd.
Our last batch of fresh Chickens will be in the market Friday December 2nd by 1pm.
Let us know if you would like us to set some aside for you. We'll be calling everyone on our Chicken list this week as well.
Tiem to stock up the freezer for winter with our naturally raised pork and beef. Our gluten free pork sausage, naturally smoked hams and bacon are now in the display freezer. Our beef will be ready soon, it's just aging for about another week. Food makes for a nice Christmas gift for those who have everything.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Chickens are Coming
If you are unable to come in Tuesday and would like us to save some for you please call the market at 905-887-1087, wait for the beep at the end of our message and then leave us your name, phone number and the quantity and approx size of chicken you would like. We'll set them aside for you.We are putting any unsold chickens into the freezer Thursday night.
Our last batch of chickens will be in approx 2 weeks. If your name is on our chicken call list we have already started phoning. If you would like us to remove your name from our contact list please let us know.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Countdown to Halloween
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins
Our Harvest Festival is in full swing each weekend in October. We put last weekend with the rainy Saturday to good use and TA DA we now have a NO LEFT TURN MAZE for your enjoyment. So come on out, there is lots to do.
It's Party Time October 29th and 30th
Join us the last weekend before Halloween for some extra special party fun. We've got some extra special activities for the kids planned for this weekend along with the special Harvest Festival activities. Let's end October on a high note and party, party, party!!!!!!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Apples, Apples, Apples
We'll soon have Honey Crisp, Empire, Mutsu and more - up to 10 varieties coming soon.
Thanksgiving Turkeys
Time flies and it seems faster in the fall when so much is happening. Thanksgiving is only 3 weeks away and will be here in the blink of an eye. Order your free range, grain fed turkey soon. We've got our order book ready in the market.
Fall is Fun on the Farm
The cool weather comes and everyone is out visiting the farm. You'll find some new additions this fall. Our tricycle track now has adult size trikes for Moms, Dads, Grandparents ... to join the kids riding around the track. They really do make you feel like a kid again.
We also have some kid size pedal karts for up to 7 year olds so they can join in the races around the speedway.
Our straw maze is being revised and will be ready soon, more challenging than ever. Come and join us for some fall fun. Our corn maze is back and is a fun challenge for all ages.
Tomatoes, Tomatoes and more Tomatoes
Seems there is a theme of bounty from the land. Our tomato crop has been fantastic this year and now is the time to enjoy them as well as preserve some for winter. The peak of the crop is here. The quality is fantastic and the flavour amazing - don't delay, who knows when frost will come and put the field to rest.
Join our fall farm team
We still have some positions open for outgoing, energetic people who would like to join us in presenting our farm to the public. If you enjoy working with the public and are looking for short term work then go to our employment page and come in for a visit. We'd love to talk to you. Please bring 2 references with you.
Markham Fair
Is right around the corner, literally. Always the weekend before Thanksgiving this 4 day fair is one of the biggest in Ontario and through the efforts of many volunteers from the community is a fair to be proud of. This will be our 22nd year(at least) of having a booth at the fair. Come visit us, we're at the east gate.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Corn Maze is Opening
Our 2 acre Corn Maze opens officially this Saturday, come and get lost. The Enchanted Forest reopens, all our storybook characters have returned.
Introducing Pi - our new miniature horse.
She arrived Thursday Sept 1st and is looking forward to meeting everyone. You will find her in the pen right next to the cattle - Mud and Toots. Pi is approx. 2 years old and comes from Southwestern Ontario. Her owner was sad to part with her but happy she will be in a new home with lot's of new friends.
We ask that you not feed Pi any treats, horses have top front teeth and could bite. We will work on getting her used to us and possibly try having a regular morning time for her grooming. Once she has settled into the farm our farm hands and educators may have you help with the grooming.
Come on out for a visit soon. We're open Labour Day Monday with all the full weekend activities (weather permitting). It is a great way to end the summer. You can even stock up on some yummy lunchtime goodies. Paula Red and Gala apples are now available fresh picked. The sweet corn is still delicious - get some before it's gone.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
August and Apples - Great Combo
If you haven't tried the Ginger Gold apple yet I would highly recommend them for their flavour is exceptional for an early apple. I like them for I do like a sweet apple. It seems just as we convince people to try them their season is done and we move on to other varieties. Get in early so you can enjoy.
Remember that early apples don't stay crisp as long as the later varieties and do require refridgeration.
TOMATOES - What a crop we are anticipating!
I haven't seen such a beautiful crop of tomatoes ever. You may have seen some pictures if you follow us on facebook and twitter. We have started to harvest a limited amount but as it is in every year they never seem to ripen early enough. We should have a great supply in our market in about a week. We may even do pick your own here in Greenbank but it will be by appointment only if we do. Let us know if you are interested by dropping by the market or calling 905-985-6749 and leave a message.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Petra Kvitova visits the farm
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
August on the Farm - More Enchanting than ever...
James took a bunch of pictures and will be posting them on facebook.
Our honey from our Markham Farm hives has not been harvested yet, the spring was so cool and wet that early production was down. All who are on our honey list will be called once we get our honey harvested and into the market.
Spring Blossom honey from our Greenbank Farm hives is now available in the market in a limited supply.
The farm is transforming for August. The characters from our Enchanted Forest have escaped from the woods and are scattered about the farm. Come on out and see. Your visit will be all that more enchanting.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Sweet Corn is here
Summer is truly here.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
The farm is enchanting
So many things are happening this summer - right now we have fresh chicken available in our market and peas and beans fresh picked or pick your own. Mmmm... nothing like fresh from the field. Raspberries are also available fresh picked in our market and sweet corn will be here by next weekend.
August will be enchanting - CELEBRATE HONEY Monday August 1st when we have bee related activities and honey sampling. Bees are amazing and the honey so sweet.
The August long weekend is the last weekend for our Enchanted Forest walk for the month of August. We close it for the month so we can do some freshening up. DON'T DESPAIR! The farm is taking on an enchantment of its own. Our wagon rides are still happening each weekend in August and we have some great surprises for you. Watch our facebook page for updates.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Berries are Fantastic
Fresh picked berries are available at our Markham farm and Greenbank, the pick your own in Greenbank only.
Sugar Snap peas are in the market for the first day. They taste great raw and with a dip but if you want to cook them just dip them in hot water. They are best tender crisp and can quickly overcook and go mushy.
Our Birthday Party program is taking shape and we are now officially booking parties. Check out our birthday party page and if you like what you see, give us a call.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Strawberries are here and Sweet Peas too
My apologies.
We have an amazing crop of strawberries this year. There was no late frost so we were able to harvest our Wendy variety. Today we started picking Jewels, a nice sweet berry with a bit lighter red colouring than the Cavendish.
The rainy weather has put a damper on the pick your own but we've been slogging through and remained open here in Greenbank in spite of the weather. Sunday looks like a good weather forecast so we expect to be busy. Our season will extend another week at least and possibly two more. These cool nights slow down the ripening so they're not all ready at once. That's a good thing.
We've got lot's of fresh picked berries in Markham.
The sweet peas are available for pick your own in Greenbank now and our patch in Markham will be starting by the long weekend. They're sweet, sweet, sweet ....
Let's hope that next week's weather will be kinder to the pickers. Hope to see you soon.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Introduction to Bees Workshop
It was a fascinating day. They covered most of the information necessary to start up your own hives and I gleaned lots of details to fill in my knowledge gaps.
Some of the session was hands on and I say hats off (better keep that hats on) to Tammy, Les and Melanie as they opened up hives for us to find the queen, see the brood, pollen and honey. Melanie showed us how to be stung and properly remove the stinger with venom pump from your skin.
It must have been premonition but I bought a better veil hat before the workshop started. Glad I did as the bees were not too happy to be disturbed on a rainy morning. Nothing more distracting than trying to listen and have bees crawling across the screen of your veil hat. A bee got inside and as I tried not to panic outwardly in getting it out I still managed to get stung. Can't complain when I hear Melanie tell us how she gets stung on a regular basis, I guess you get used to it.
Here are some interesting tidbits I learned.
- All beehives in Ontario are registered and beekeepers have an amazing backup team of researchers, tech support and regulations to keep our honey source safe and flowing.
- Honey bees are not considered aggressive, they are defensive and will not sting you unless you are threatening their home or them personally. If you are stung without any provocation it won't be from a honey bee.
- I see the honey bees clustered around the rabbits water dish and now know they collect water to cool their hive by placing droplets around the inside and fanning for ventilation. Heat is absorbed with the evaporation. They don't drink the water, they get all the moisture they need from the nectar they collect.
- Honey bees are a social insect with a structured hierarchy and specific roles for the workers, drones and queen. The whole colony overwinters (except for the drones) so they produce a lot of honey, some of which we can have. Other honey producers such as the bumblebee only produce small amounts of honey as only the queen overwinters.
- There are many threats to the bees - disease, mites, insect infestation, predators such as mice or bears, climate change. You have to be passionate about beekeeping to work against the odds to keep healthy, thriving and productive hives.
All in all it was a really interesting and informative day. I've always had respect for the efforts of the beekeepers and a fascination with the bees. Not sure if I have the courage yet to start my own.
Next time you have a spoonful of honey thank the bees and the beekeeper!
What goes better with honey than some strawberries. There are tiny fruit on some of the varieties and lots of blossoms. I could be a good year if the weather behaves. It won't be long before they're ready for picking - approx 1 - 2 weeks for the market, no more than 3 weeks for pick your own. Check around the 10th of June for fresh picked berries.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Did We Celebrate!
- The animals had a wonderful time visiting with everyone and eating lots of treats. Our sheep were sheared and both the sheep and the goats had pedicures, now they're prancing.
- New baby goats born last Tuesday are doing well. One who just liked its mom's armpit has finally found her udder and bottle feeding is not as important for it's survival.
- Sunday and Monday with the unsettled weather offered challenges to our visitors. They were rewarded with seeing the birth of 2 sets of twin goats. One pair was born on Sunday and the other Monday. Thanks to Adam who took the pictures today, you can see some of the action.
- Lisa at Things to do York Region came Saturday and took pictures. Check out her site for lots of info on activities happening in York Region.
Strawberries will be in about 3 weeks. We have blossoms on our plants now in Greenbank. So far it looks like it will be a good berry season.
Can someone turn off this rain?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sheep Shearing on Saturday
Looks like the weather will co operate and give us some sunshine.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Celebrate Spring Victoria Day Weekend
We've got lots of fun planned for this weekend.
This will be our first ever Celebrate Spring event and we've been planning for weeks.
- Dairy Farmers of Canada will be visiting with Moonica for Saturday and Sunday. They've got some fun activities and you can even milk Moonica. Very realistic without the hazard of getting kicked.
- Start thinking about clearing out your freezer to make way for the new harvest. We'll be have jam making demos throughout the weekend. Asparagus is now here, the rhubarb is coming on strong and before you know it strawberries will be here. So much to do, so little time.
- The wind is wonderful at our farm in the spring, just great for kite flying. Our Barnyard Adventure area has no trees or overhead wires, perfect for kites.
- Be creative and make your own bugs.
- Celebrate the sun and plant a sunflower
- Visit our new babies
These activities and more are available at our regular weekend admission price of $6.50+HST/person 2 yrs +.
Don't forget to sign up for our Pumpkin's Journey (details in the market)
Hope to see you this weekend.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Celebrate Mothers Day with our Moms
Celebrate Mothers Day with our moms. Admission is free on Mother's Day to all Mom's(Grandmas to) who come accompanied by their children. Our ewes would love to see you. Maybe we'll have some newborn goats too, one nanny goat looks really ready.
See you this weekend.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Season opening Saturday April 30th
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Spring is coming
All babies are doing fine and holding their own in the flock.
Horse Crazy
It has all started with our son's girlfriends. They themselves would have nothing to do with horses, even been given the chance to have one. Their girlfriends are different. They love them.
So guess who arrived in our barns today-two Arabians. They are a mom/daughter team called at this time Monet and Lily. I have been assured that they are of lovely temperament. My son concurs as he feels he risked his life helping to load them for transport home.
He still has a healthy dose of fear (slowly turning to respect) for the animals.
Oh what they do for love.
Lily and Monet will star in our birthday party program called Crazy for Horses. We are currently developing a comprehensive birthday party program for our Greenbank farm that will allow people to enjoy our farm while celebrating their child's birthday. Be on the look out - more details to follow.
This winter has been a busy one with conferences and workshops attended in the USA and Ontario. I and 3 of my staff just completed one on birthday parties, we're saturated with amazing ideas. It is an exciting time to set forth on a new venture and we're looking forward to presenting it to you.