Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sweet Corn is here

Ontario sweet corn has begun and is in our market. With this past months heat it is sweeeeet and delicious. We have a gourmet sweet variety of peaches and cream corn that gives you the long lasting sweetness of a super sweet corn but with a great corn flavour.

Summer is truly here.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The farm is enchanting

The farm is enchanting in so many ways - the beauty of the harvest, the space of the countryside and coming up the release of the enchantment from our forest.

So many things are happening this summer - right now we have fresh chicken available in our market and peas and beans fresh picked or pick your own. Mmmm... nothing like fresh from the field. Raspberries are also available fresh picked in our market and sweet corn will be here by next weekend.

August will be enchanting - CELEBRATE HONEY Monday August 1st when we have bee related activities and honey sampling. Bees are amazing and the honey so sweet.

The August long weekend is the last weekend for our Enchanted Forest walk for the month of August. We close it for the month so we can do some freshening up. DON'T DESPAIR! The farm is taking on an enchantment of its own. Our wagon rides are still happening each weekend in August and we have some great surprises for you. Watch our facebook page for updates.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Berries are Fantastic

The strawberry crop this year has been one of our best. The berry patch is loaded with berries and picking is quick, the flavour fantastic.
Fresh picked berries are available at our Markham farm and Greenbank, the pick your own in Greenbank only.

Sugar Snap peas are in the market for the first day. They taste great raw and with a dip but if you want to cook them just dip them in hot water. They are best tender crisp and can quickly overcook and go mushy.

Our Birthday Party program is taking shape and we are now officially booking parties. Check out our birthday party page and if you like what you see, give us a call.